Is Tantra a Sexual Practice?

Yes, no, sometimes, possibly always.

Eyebrows have raised more than a few times when I’ve told people I’m a Tantra yoga teacher. Thankfully Portland State University’s Campus Rec didn’t discriminate and hired me as a teacher in 2020 suggesting we just call the classes “Hatha” yoga. Tantra uses the same asanas (postures) as a traditional Hatha practice; however, Tantra yogis incorporate meditation with advanced breath work for the conduction of cosmic (universal) energies, to initiate enhanced awareness, balance, health, and joy to our lives. Tantra goes far beyond the physicality of a yoga asana practice as we become conduits for energy and manifestation.

Tantra can also be thought of as “Chakra” yoga. Chakra refers to a spinning wheel of energy, of which there are 8 dominant centers called nadis which correlate with locations of our vital organs in the human body. These major chakras extend from the top of the head (crown) down to the pelvic floor (root). These energetic centers align with the vital organs of the physical body and then smaller branches extend out in the same path as our nervous system where they exist as thousands of smaller nadis. The energy then emanates outside the physical body as our aura, or the energy field around us. Many parallels exist between the physical sciences, neuroscience and the yogic philosophy of energy, or Prana. We also find such similarities in Chinese Medicine, South American Shamanic practices, and many other cultural belief systems which correlate the understandings between human energy and physical potentials.

Now comes the sex part. One of the main centers of energy within each human body exists at the area of the sexual organs. As we all know sex drive is a powerful driver of energy, as it is needed to guarantee the continuation of our species. As with any chakra energy the sexual center (Svadisthana) can be used or abused. Sexuality, or even lack of, often fuels behavior and influences life practices. Human behavior frequently exploits the innate energy by draining certain centers with overuse and underutilizing others, most notable our higher consciousness centers. If we can think of our energy as a bank account and the sexual center as one of our main sources of income, we wouldn’t want to overspend that one resource into a negative balance while leaving the other energy resources untapped. Using our heart, and our higher consciousness in coordination with our sexuality allows all the energies to be balanced, just like you would want your checkbook to be balanced, even abundant with stored resources. With a dedicated Tantra yoga practice this vital reproductive sexual energy is used to elevate our Selves from mere animalistic mating behaviors to higher conscious, powerful Beings. Imagine you could take an overactive sex drive and funnel the energy into your life’s work for ultimate success, and into your heart so that you could love without fear, and to your throat so you can speak truth, and to your brain so you can achieve an elevated, joyous and blissful life.

Does that mean we shouldn’t have sex? Of course not, in fact, as a practice, two dedicated yogis can have truly transcendent sex for many hours, males often withholding ejaculation for climax after climax after climax, while fully tuned into his partner’s pleasure. Using his breath and awareness to experience the sexual act without the final, exhausting ejaculation, rather, he harnesses the energy of his sexuality, his Svadisthana chakra, to bring connection, love, and lengthy experiences of pleasure to his partner, imagine 12 hours of sexual bliss! At the same time he is cultivating more Prana (increasing the size of his bank account) which means more vitality and an extension of both the sexual life and the physical human lifespan! Many men in midlife begin to experience issues with sexual vitality and impotence, alas usually associated with the overspending of vital sexual energy during their younger years. Both Taoist and Tantric sexual practices teach extensively about maintain sexual vigor throughout one’s life and into old age through retention of ejaculation while cultivating a truly active sex life.

Can you have Tantric sex if you are not a practicing yogi? It would be difficult to say the least. Tantra is not an act that is performed on an individual. It is not possible to just receive Tantra passively, you must be actively working with your energy to experience Tantric ecstasy. Tantra is a method of yoga that can be taught and must be practiced to fully incorporate the benefits into your life. Understanding how the energy works and how to work the energy, building awareness, using concentration, allowing energy expansion, and mastering breath are all essential components to the Tantric arts whether it is focused on the sexual aspect or any other chakra energy work.

What about all the erotic Tantric massage I see on the internet? If someone performs erotic touch on a male with physical stimulation to achieve climax and ejaculation they are exploiting the sex drive, in essence leaving the receiver exhausted, spent, and effectively reducing the Pranic energy, or vital life force of the individual. That is NOT Tantra, that is simply sexual massage. Women are a little different in that they can experience Tantric stimulation to reach orgasm and still build Prana, but she must be actively involved in breath and directing the energy to heightened awareness and consciousness in order to create continuous blissful, whole body orgasms.

Can we practice Tantric sexuality without a partner? Yes, of course, that is the whole point! Orgasms of energy are not necessarily only associated with the sexual organs but can encompass the entire being. Practice practice, practice! Energetic orgasms are achieved often within our meditation, within our breath work, and as we conduct our daily practices individually. Practice makes perfect and prepares yogis for the ultimate experience of Tantric sex with an energetically connected partner.

Can LGBTQ and non-binary identified humans develop Tantric sexuality? Yes indeed, energy is energy! Everyone can learn to develop balance and vitality within all the energy centers, regular discipline and practice brings the benefits of Tantra yoga to everyone. The key here is balance between all the chakras.

Sexuality is just one way to build your energy savings. Other ways include eating healthful foods, engaging in daily exercise, developing a meditation practice, breathing properly, connecting and communicating with others, loving unconditionally and knowing there is an force of energy much more expansive in the universe to whom you are connected and exist with integrally.

This is Tantra yoga, contact Kat for a session.