Shakti Embodied in you
Kat Severi is a yoga teacher, holistic health coach and nutritional counselor who teaches clients to rewire their minds to change life outcomes. Using science based information as a foundation for her health coaching with physical fitness protocols, diet modification and lifetstyle design she can help each individual create a master plan to change for Life! Improve health on every level by working with Kat at Shakti Studio-Use a Yoga Mind to Empower your Energy Body
Begin the journey today to create a healthy lifestyle by changing your mindset, one thought at a time.
“The art and discipline of yoga uses meditation, breath, physical postures (asanas), and a dedicated spiritual practice to bring balance and increased awareness to our lives. A daily mindfulness practice cultivates a life of harmony and supports a powerful vital force, resulting in better overall physical and emotional health. This is the cultivation of Shakti.
Begin to understand that every day is a gift waiting to be revealed. ”
Whole Health Design ~Transforming the mind is the first step to achieving well being both physically and mentally. Venture into your wholistic journey with Kat as she guides you in developing a custom yoga practice, teaches you about optimal nutrition, and helps implement exercise for maximum energy potential.
Traditional Yoga Practice~ Rooted in meditation, mindfulness, and the cultivation of breath with an energizing asana practice, yoga uses innate energy inside each of us to support our emotional and physical strength to cultivate balance and stability in every aspect of our lives.
Intimacy ~Begin with yourself and unveil your own ability to connect with others. Learn techniques for deepening the value of your relationships with partners, friends, family, and even professional contacts. Tantra Yoga allows us to become confident in our ability to be intimate while exploring the sexual nature inherent to us all, in a healthy, balanced, exciting way.
Daily Fitness~Optimal energy and mental stability begins with movement. Using activity to fuel integral physiological function, hormonal balance, and emotional wellness is key for overall health and happiness.
Food for Vitality-Essential to our physical health, the choices we make when we eat and drink are the ingredients for immune function, energy, and enjoyment of life. Cultivating awareness through all the senses; taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound, we can begin to create the lifestyle that best supports our personal growth and well being.
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Lifestyle Design~Optimize your home to design an aesthetic space for yoga and meditation. Bringing beauty and mindfulness to your home environment will promote emotional well being, successful health outcomes, and joy for daily life .
Be sure to visit Eating for Vitality
Sumptuous Recipes and Weekly plans for Nutrition and Health!
Learn the fundamentals of Pranayama, an ancient breathwork practice to reduce stress and cultivate energy