Reflecting on 2021 Seasons, Gestation, Emergence, and Growth

Beginning the year with a new moon invites new perspective and expanding possibilities.

Shakti Studio and Guesthouse Portland, Oregon

I’m a “growth mindset” type of woman, which means every cycle of renewal allows positive transformation to continue, both for myself and for my business. I like to keep my intentions simple and achievable so that I can realistically reach my goals and always ensure success. I also know that failure is just the process of giving up on a dream but that’s not my style.

2021-Dramatic Changes for all Seasons

Winter 2021-Gestation of Shakti-Storing Energy for Growth

The year 2021 year was all about creating and expanding Shakti Studio PDX to include a guest house feature and new adventures in health promotion. Transforming the upper level apartment in this 1908 home into a bohemian inspired rental space which allowed me to dream bigger and to connect Portland visitors with my health coaching services, yoga and meditation sessions. The colder months were spent formulating a plan of action, working in the gardens, painting, cleaning, rebuilding 100+ year old plaster walls (argh) and organizing all of the elements needed for comfort. This historic house has plenty of ghosts hanging around to guide my inspired spirit and when I first moved in 4 year ago I was told by a long time resident of this neighborhood that a witch had lived in the upstairs space long ago. I sensed that this entity and I together conjured up some healing energy to offer my future guests during their stay.

Sassy Not Sweet™

My second business concept of 2020-21 was Sassy Not Sweet ™ a natural snack foods company which I am still in the process of developing. The first season of 2021 was spent formulating recipes, getting laboratory analysis, giving away copious amounts of batches of snacks, and sending out samples of my products for feedback. Yes indeed, Sassy Not Sweet™ Supernatural Snacks™ are energetically potent, delicious, chocolatey hunks of nutritional goodness that will get to market soon…stay tuned!

Spring 2021-Shakti Guesthouse is Born-My Training Program Begins

As soon as I launched the Shakti Guesthouse listing on Airbnb bookings began filling up the calendar. I was off to a good start and the work had only just begun. Busy days and late nights made the time exciting and exhausting. While it was important for me to stick to my achievable business goals I didn’t squander the opportunity to set health and fitness goals for myself as well. As a holistic health coach I always make my personal well being a top priority because if I’m not feeling 100% in body and mind then I won’t accomplish my highest aspirations. As I welcomed the warmer months I began a cycle training program with the intention to reach 100 miles per week of riding throughout the summer and fall. Lucky for me Portland is designed for cyclists to be able to ride many miles every week and to choose a different route with every adventure! The foresight by city planners makes me very happy indeed! Meanwhile my daily yoga practice often took place in many of the beautiful Portland parks while I was alone and then in Shakti Studio over Zoom.

Summer 2021-Scrambling to Meet the Heat

The Guesthouse was booked for the summer and then came the temperature extremes with two separate weeks in Portland when we experienced what climatologists called a “heat dome” over our city and the mercury rose to upwards of 115-120 degrees in some more exposed (treeless) areas of Portland and suburbia surrounding. I quickly tried to accommodate my guests with portable air conditioning ( a new necessity for this part of the Pacific Northwest). I think only 3 of my bookings suffered before I figured out how to block the west setting sun from roasting the living space and keep the ac on! This was knowledge gained with a little bit of pain (or extreme discomfort). I’m savvy now and set up for summer 2022 and keeping Shakti Guesthouse cool.

To maintain my cycle training program through the heatwaves I began leaving the house at about 6 am or 9 pm to get a few miles in before the next day of HOT! Regardless of the uncomfortable summertime extremes Portland persevered and there were plenty of events, concerts in the park, and restaurants that were open for business. Visitors flocked to the city to enjoy a respite from CoVid 19 restrictions. despite the fires that burned the western United States and the riots that were inflamed in the heart of PDX. Embers of disfunction, dissatisfaction, and despair ignited throughout the year in downtown Portland. With mindfulness I worked to support equity in my much quieter NE neighborhood while accommodating the interests of guests wanting to experience PDX in all its safety, diversity and charm.

Autumn 2021-Kat Gets a Dog

It was with the best of intentions and few expectations that I invited in the “idea” of getting a dog. I’m a person who spends a lot of time alone, whether working here at Shakti Studio and Guesthouse, or navigating wilderness areas to camp and hike, or venturing to a river for an evening swim. This past 6 years were the first in my adult life when I didn’t have a dog by my side on my hikes, and my cats couldn’t offer me the adventurous companionship that I longed for. So, with just an open invitation to the universe, I was delivered Marley as a gift and she has turned out to be my Miss-Perfection, or at least as “perfect” as I would ever need. We bonded immediately, the cats let her live with us, and so the adventures began! Shortly after the dog arrived I decided to buy myself a kayak so that I could get myself and Marley out onto the water.

Kat’s Cardio Tours of 2021

As my cycling journeys continued I decided to expand my business to include outdoor cardiovascular challenges for my guests at Shakti. I began offering cycling tours of Portland and around, hiking adventures in the Columbia Gorge, Southern Washington and the rugged coastal areas to experience the stunningly beautiful Pacific Northwest. I had so much fun connecting to guests with outdoor adventures, exploring what makes life truly magnificent and Portland an amazing city to visit all year round.

Winter 2021 and counting-Biking continues and planning for 2022

As I sit in my office on December 31st, 2021 I feel full of energy, inspiration and on a quest to create the best coaching program I can offer my clients. I am literally writing “the manual”. What does this mean for Shakti Studio clients? It means that the benefits of incorporating a healthy lifestyle with a traditional yoga practice and the latest scientific research in breath work and exercise physiology paves the way to the best life possible, regardless of age, economic status, or physical fitness. Simply put, client transformation is my inspiration! My own personal growth and complete transformation of mind and body in the past 6 years is the proof that the program works. I am more physically fit, mentally and emotionally stronger, and more joyfully aware than I have ever been in my life, and in 2022 I will turn 49, yippie! I have so much gratitude for my own journey, all that I have learned from my experiences, my tragedies and my triumphs, and I continue to be humbly educated with every new day.

A glimpse into the future

I prepare for another year of personal transformation as I continue to host guests at Shakti Guesthouse and explore the PNW with them, work with clients to improve their health, and teach yogic philosophy and an asana practice. I cannot contain my energy and excitement, it brings me such gratitude and joy to observe positive change happen in real people.

Namaste~Kat Severi