Half Empty or Half Full?

Every day you have a choice; to cultivate abundance mindset or lack mindset, both are a part of your current reality and both will directly affect your emotions, your physiology, and your experience of life.

The dilemma for many people is that the focus of the mind is usually on what they do not have yet, or, what they will never have. Lack mindset is the experience of never enough and never satisfied. Discontent is harmful to your health because chronic mental stress leads to symptoms like anxiety, fear, depression, and anger; all are emotional states which result in the release of stress hormones which have detrimental physiological effects on the body. Hormonal balance is at risk when chronic stress exists as the normal mental state. Dis-ease in the mind leads to diseased states in the body.

Victim Mentality-“Never enough”

Problem focused thinkers self sabotage through negative judgements and a sense of lack of control of outcomes. These are the people who seem to attract every “bad” situation regardless of the opportunities that surround them. They commonly live with fear, anxiety, or anger about what they don’t have or who is doing them wrong. They focus intently on all the negative aspects of life and complain about things that most people have to contend with, but to them it’s personally offensive (like gas prices, the weather, and politics). They take personal offense at situations that lie outside their control. These people tend towards a lack mentality and desire that which they do not have.

Master Mentality-“Always Abundant”

Solution focused thinkers notice the possibilities of a situation, they know they can influence what happens for them, and they rationally accept what the current situation is while being proactive about creating change when needed. They are the ones who seem to flow through life leaping over obstacles and flourishing with every challenge. These people master the mental processes and continuously craft their desired outcomes They notice what they do have (not necessarily material items), and intentionally create situations which lead to more abundance.

Striving for Control is a Recipe for Suffering

To try to control a situation or another person is to ensure the experience of suffering. Nobody wants to be controlled and resistance or withdrawal are usually the answer to dealing with controlling personalities. Our ability to recognize what is beneficial to living our best life, to accept that we often cannot determine outcomes, and to acknowledge that others have differing needs than ourselves is to live a harmonious life. The only good control is in developing self discipline.

The Cure for Discontentment

It is only you who can affect your emotions, it’s never a situation outside your mind which upsets you or brings you joy. The internal storytelling of the mind interprets every situation and results in a sense of fulfillment or desire, abundance or scarcity, and empowerment or fear.

By recognizing when the mind is creating potentially false stories or harsh judgments, and then to redirect those thoughts to positive ones will eliminate negative emotional states and the stressors that affect emotional health. Accepting that some situations offer more hardship than others, that everything is always changing, and that both good and difficult times will eventually come to an end is to become comfortable with uncertainty.

Influencing Outcomes through Action

Thinking thoughts of gratitude, for what is a gift in this moment, excitement for what is coming, and acceptance (and lots of forgiveness) for what has passed will generate a sense of life contentment. Purpose and proactivity are key to empowerment. When we feel empowered we become inspired and actively creative in our lives. These mental states stimulate the release of powerful neurotransmitters which increase our enjoyment of life, give us the ability to cope, and allow us to be more energized to accomplish challenging tasks. Purpose is powerful. Purpose is the core of what give our lives meaning and a reason to push through the many difficult life experiences we all will eventually have. Acceptance of “what is” can lead to empowered action, knowing “what will be” is up to each of us to create.

Last but Not Least

To achieve optimal physical well being we must exercise mind control and tend to the health of the physical body. I won’t sugar coat (pun intended) the importance of eating for health and the engagement in regular physical exercise. Both of these activities factor into the emotional state much more than most people know. Being healthy and fit is to nurture strength in body and mind and where the mind goes the emotions will follow. Choosing to think with more positivity stimulates good feelings which essentially trigger our happiness hormones that make us feel fantastic. This “practice” requires continuous cultivation and is something that must be tended to daily. The mind is a mirror to which emotions and physical wellness are reflected.

Mantra for Joy

Everything is aways happening for me, in my best interest, and for the higher good of all…

This article by Kat Severi was originally published as a monthly column piece for Vernonia’ s Voice, a small town newspaper located in Vernonia, Oregon